Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Radical right nut jobs challenge Obama's right to be president

The radical right nut jobs are becoming more and more desperate. Since they completely misjudged the electorate first during the campaign and then by blindly rejecting Obama's stimulus package, they are now back to challenging his birthplace and therefore his constitutional right to be president. I have believed for a long time that the Republicans have had people working on articles of impeachment - even before Obama was inaugurated. This bogus birthplace nonsense seems to be their current weapon of choice.

The Alabama Republican, U.S. Senator Richard Shelby, met with constituents on Saturday,

And a local resident asked him if there is any truth to allegations that arose during the presidential campaign concerning Obama’s place of birth, the Cullman Times reported.

He answered
Well, his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven’t seen any birth certificate. You have to be born in America to be president.
Right-wing website Newsmax also reports that longtime Obama opponent Alan Keyes also says Obama has failed constitutional muster to become president, since, he argues, Obama was born in Kenya. You really have to listen to his diatribe at an interview last week in order to get the full impact of the right-wing desperation and loss of touch with reality. These people may seem like extremes but I think they are in the mainstream of the right.

(If you are reading this on Facebook click here to watch Keyes diatribe) .

Notice that in case the birthplace nonsense doesn't work out for them, Keyes falls back on the desperate ploy McCain and Palen used when they became desperate: accusing Obama of being "a radical communist who will destroy America. "

One thing for sure, the more of the electorate who become aware of this, the more out-to-lunch these people will appear. They clearly move from the position of political opponents of the president to people with a more psychiatrically diagnosable disease.

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