Monday, December 08, 2008

Communicating with Obama: what can we lose?

I know that the only way to actually influence the incoming administration is to stand up and demand the "change we need." We need to organize and protest when we see violations of what we've been promised. But there are, in fact, many ways to communicate our ideas for change. This administration-in-waiting seems open to thinking outside the box. With this in mind here's a website you might want to know about: click on then go to Agenda select an issue on which you want to influence the course of action (for example, Health care) and tell Obama/Biden what you think they should do, what kind of "change we need."

We know that this is not the whole answer. But it is part of the struggle for change. The more progressive voices they hear from the more likely they will act in our interests and not those of the military-industrial complex. Anyway I think it's worth a try. Maybe I'm just a "cockeyed optimist."

(Thanks to PDA-America: Health care not Warfare for directing me to this site)

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