Monday, February 11, 2008

Sen. Clinton abandons older Americans

I have just sent the following e-mail to Sen. Clinton criticizing her non-vote on the amendment last week to expand the economic stimulus package to include older Americans whose primary income is from social security.

I'm sorry that you didn't think it was important enough to vote Yes on the amendment to include older Americans in the economic stimulus package. This will help provide economic relief to approximately 20 million older Americans who depend primarily on Social Security, as well as fairly and effectively boost our troubled economy.

It is too bad you didn't listen to the American public who have been urging Senators to push through partisan gridlock to address national problems. Our country needs the leadership of elected officials to address the economic concerns of all Americans. I'm sorry you chose not to provide swuch leadership. If running for president precludes you from doing your job in the Senate, you should resign and allow someone for whom it is their primary concern and can provide us with a full-time Senator.

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