Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Buying human beings in Africa, sounds familiar

All over the world people hate us. Some people wonder why.
It seems that the recent behavior of a very rich, aging, middlingly-talented pop tart captures the image that the world has of us. If you are a white American or Brit and you have a great deal of money you can go to Africa and buy a human being.
The nonsense about wanting to help an orphan doesn't hold up when the "orphan" has a father.
If you have $3,000,000 dollars to spend in an African country (or any poverty stricken country) and want to "help bring attention to how much more the world needs to do to help the children of Africa," use it for publicity. Take a page from the Bono book, but don't spend it to buy a child (they are not pets). Don't spend it to circumvent the laws of that country.
I understand that Malawi's laws state that before one can adopt a child one must remain in the country and establish residence for 18 months, not return to England followed by the child and submit to "an 18-month evaluation period.."
Oh, and by the way, "good Christian lady" - kabala may be questionably connected to Judaism, but it certainly isn't Christian.

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