Sunday, July 03, 2005

Independence Day 2005

US soldiers dead: 1746
US soldiers dead since "Mission Accomplished": 1609
US soldiers wounded: 13,190
Iraqi civilians killed: 22,787
I received this from Chelsea Neighbors Against the War. I thought it was worth reprinting:
On a weekend in which we are supposed to celebrate this country's independence, we continue to wage war in Iraq. As the majority of the American people want the war to end and the troops to be returned safely, George W. Bush spoke to the nation this week defending his immoral and illegal war. According to a Zogby poll 42% of the people who watched his speech felt that if he had lied about his reasons to go to war he should be impeached. Among President Bush's fellow Republicans, a full one-in-four (25%) indicate they would favor impeaching the President under these circumstances.
It also came to light this past week that the California National Guard had set up a new unit to deal with terrorism. One of the first projects of the new guard unit was to spy on women's peace groups that held a small Mother's Day rally in Sacramento calling for CA Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to bring the state's national guard troops home from Iraq.
This was also a week that the Bush administration had to admit that it badly underestimated the cost of health care for returning Iraq veterans causing the need for emergency funding of $1.5 billion, which passed the Senate unanimously. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld also stated that the war could go on for another 12 years.
Bring the troops home now.
Chelsea Neighbors United to End the War
P.O. Box 821, JAF Station, New York, NY 10116-0821
Join Chelsea Stands Up Against the War every Tuesday from 6-7pm at 8th Avenue and 24th Street (rain or shine)

Chelsea Neighbors United To End The War
P.O. Box 821
JAF Station
New York, NY 10116-0821

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