Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Lies About Hillary in new book?

Although truth be told, when Bill Clinton was running for President, I wore a button, for a while, that said "Hillary for First Lady," the following should not be taken as more than information.
If you have been reading the right-wing knee jerks comments promoting a new book about Hillary Clinton, you should read Media Matters on it:

"Conservative publisher announces plans to "Swift Boat" Sen. Clinton"

So what do we actually know about The Truth About Hillary?

The Truth About Hillary is a partisan effort designed to "influence" voters

"In recent days, a forthcoming book about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) titled The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President has gotten free advance publicity in major newspapers and on cable television, with several media outlets and figures already speculating -- some five months before the book is to be available -- that it will damage Clinton's much-speculated-about, but undeclared, presidential campaign."

"The comparison to the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is significant for at least two reasons. First, the SBVT were explicitly formed to defeat John Kerry's presidential campaign; thus, the publisher's comparison of the book to the Swift Boat group reveals the book to be little more than a partisan political tool designed to influence an election. But the comparison is also telling because, as Media Matters for America and others extensively documented, the SBVT repeatedly lied, misled, and distorted the truth about John Kerry."

(Once again, thanks to Wonkette for pointing me to important stuff)

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