Friday, June 03, 2005

Deep Throat: The right-wing knee jerks

I have, until now, avoided commenting on the "deep throat/Mark Felt" revelations, because it seemed like an interesting historical footnote with no real relevance today.
But the totally unsurprising knee-jerk responses of the right-wing ideologs seems quite interesting.
Ben Stein-who spoke at Andrew's recent graduation (I will never know why? There was unanimity among the graduates and guests to whom I spoke that it was a terrible speech) says about Nixon in the right-wing journal The American Spectator:

"That is his legacy. He was a peacemaker. He was a lying, conniving, covering up peacemaker. He was not a lying, conniving drug addict like JFK, a lying, conniving war starter like LBJ, a lying, conniving seducer like Clinton -- a lying, conniving peacemaker. That is Nixon's kharma."

Could he have possibly meant to say: A lying conniving war starter like LBJ and George W. Bush?

Just asking

For an excellent review of the right-wing knee jerks see Jon Perr on PERRspectives:Bringing light to darkness.

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