Friday, April 29, 2005

Defeat right-wing judges

From MoveOn:

"Yesterday was an incredible day. Over 15,000 MoveOn members came together and spoke out at 192 'Rallies to Stop the Judicial Takeover' – all organized in less than a week by other MoveOn members in all 50 states. The Washington, D.C. event featured a stirring address by former Vice President Al Gore.

It was the culmination of 10 days of intense action to save our courts – and it was a huge success. Two weeks ago, it seemed virtually certain that we would wake up today to find Bill Frist and the radical Republicans pulling the trigger on their "nuclear" scheme to stack the courts. Instead, today Frist is scrambling for more time and grasping for more votes, while national polls show two thirds of the country solidly against him [1].

"While we celebrate our progress, we must remember the fight is far from over. The key to victory is to keep our momentum going and our visibility high – we've got to keep them on the run."

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