Thursday, March 03, 2005

Some interesting poll numbers

Here are some interesting poll numbers from tomorrow's New York Times by way of Armando on the Daily Kos:

On Social Security: Nation Prefers Dems over GOP by 50-31
by Armando

From a NYTimes Poll in tomorrow's paper:

Four months after Mr. Bush won a solid re-election over Senator John Kerry, 63 percent of respondents say the president has different priorities on domestic issues than most Americans. Asked to choose among five domestic issues facing the country, respondents rated Social Security third, behind jobs and health care. And nearly 50 percent said Democrats were more likely to make the right decisions about Social Security, compared with 31 percent who said the same thing about Republicans.
More good news in the poll:

And Mr. Bush does not appear to be much more in step with the nation on what the White House has long viewed as his strong suit: 58 percent of respondents said the White House did not share the foreign affairs priorities of most Americans.
Ok, disagree on domestic policy. And disagree on foreign policy. So why this?

For all that, Mr. Bush's approval rating remains unchanged, at 49 percent, from a month ago, suggesting that the disagreement with Mr. Bush's ideas has yet to take a toll on America's view of him.
It's the 'having a beer with him' thing. Gotta be.

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