Thursday, March 31, 2005

Arabs and Jews together at last

Well we finally found out what will bring Arabs and Jews together in Jerusalem.
The NYT reports:

... major leaders of the three faiths - Christianity, Judaism and Islam - are making a rare show of unity to try to stop [a 10-day World Gay Pride festival and parade in Jerusalem in August]. They say the event would desecrate the city and convey the erroneous impression that homosexuality is acceptable.

"They are creating a deep and terrible sorrow that is unbearable," Shlomo Amar, Israel's Sephardic chief rabbi, said yesterday at a news conference in Jerusalem attended by Israel's two chief rabbis, the patriarchs of the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian churches, and three senior Muslim prayer leaders. "It hurts all of the religions. We are all against it."

Abdel Aziz Bukhari, a Sufi sheik, added: "We can't permit anybody to come and make the Holy City dirty. This is very ugly and very nasty to have these people come to Jerusalem."

What else can we say?

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