Saturday, February 26, 2005

Scary quote

In the Feb. 14/21 double issue of The New Yorker, Nicholas Lemann quotes Bill Keller-who replaced Howell Rains as New York Times executive editor:

Portraying conservatives fairly does not mean equal time for creationism.
But it does mean, for example, writing about abortion in a way that does
justice to the deep moral qualms most Americans have about it. It means
trying to understand the thinking of people who regard gay marriage as
unacceptable, who worry that gun controls represent an encroachment on
their civil liberties.

In other words, let's worry about the civil rights of gun owners, but not of gay people. We don't want to give equal time to creationism, but it's no problem to give it to homophobia.
When Lemann sub-titles his article "Why is everyone mad at the mainstream media?", I can't help but wonder why.

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