Saturday, November 20, 2004

Post-elections feelings

More and more these days I am feeling a great kinship with Alice. I too feel as if I have fallen down the rabbit hole into a world which makes absolutely no sense. Black is white, lies are truth, incompetence is rewarded and everything is upside-down. There is much to understand about what happened and where to go from here.
A good beginning is What's the Matter with Kansas?: How Conservatives won the Heart of America by Thomas Frank (Metropolitan Books. Henry Holt and Company). Frank may help us crawl out of the rabbit hole.
One thing we have going for us is that the Right Wing will almost surely over-reach as do most rulers with too much power and too few brains.
More soon.

1 comment:

Contested Terrain said...

Oh honey, if you're down the rabbit hole, so am I. I am, oddly enough, not feeling any different. It's the true meaning of SNAFU - situation normal, all fucked up.